Steps to Register on Snapdeal as Online Seller | How do I register as a seller on snapdeal?

Step By Step Guide To Register As Seller On Snapdeal

If you are a seller/manufacturer and willing to start selling on Snapdeal then read out this article to understand the process. Though Selling on Snapdeal is risky but still, you can give a try.

Documents required for seller registration


How To Register?

  • First of all, you need to open this link
  • After that, you need to keep GSTIN with you because now you need to put your GSTIN here

When you enter your GSTin number lots of details will be fetched automatically like this we have entered GSTIN number in the previous page, now it showing Company name, GST Number, PAN Number, Pin Code, and Shipping Address is fetched already (If you get find any error in your these details you can edit auto-filled details by clicking on EDIT GSTIN), so now you have to put your Email Id, Password and Mobile Number.

  • Keep in Mind: Use a unique mobile number, which you have not already used for registration for the seller as well as the buyer.
  • So now GO AHEAD and Click on SELL NOW button
  • Now put your OTP here.
Snapdeal Seller registration

Now you will be get redirected on E-Mail verification page, now you need to put OTP which you have received on your mail id which you have used for registration. And then click on the VERIFY E-MAIL ADDRESS button.

Now you will be redirected to the Bank Details page, where you need to fill in your bank account details, Please note this: Use your current bank account details which is for your business.What details of the Bank account you need to fill here :

  • BENEFICIARY NAME: it will be auto-filled.
  • ACCOUNT NUMBER: Enter your account number
  • CONFIRM ACCOUNT NUMBER: Enter your account number again, don’t copy and paste
    IFSC CODE: Put IFSC Code of your bank
  • No need to fill BANK NAME & BRANCH NAME, It will be fetched automatically after putting your account number and IFSC.

AFTER filling in these details please check it and confirm after that click on SUBMIT BUTTON. Now, wait for some time, As it generally takes some time to process.

Now your account is ready for launching or on-boarding process, here you will get a pop-up where you can see the option to upload your Signature.

You can draw your signature in this box or you can upload a scanned signature if you have already saved on your local computer. Now click on SUBMIT.

Snapdeal Seller registration

Now You Can Start Listing Products

There are two ways to list your products on Snapdeal.

SELL EXISTING PRODUCTS: You can select an existing product which is already available on snapdeal, you just need to find the Product name or SUPC of that product.NOW YOU GET A list of already existing products for which you have selected, now if you find the same product available at your end you can list it using the START SELLING button.

Now if you have selected any branded product for selling you need to raise a query for selling branded products, In the case of non-branded products you need to follow our next lesson.

Now if you have selected any branded product for selling you need to raise a query for selling branded products, In the case of non-branded products you need to follow our next lesson.

Please follow the below steps:

  1. Click on the “Catalog” tab in the left menu
    2. Click on “Add Product” in the upper right section
    3. Click on “Create a Single Listing”
    4. Choose the product category appropriate for the product
    5. Enter the product details in all the tabs.
    6. Click on “Submit” The submitted listings can be seen in ‘Track Listing” in the Pending tab was this helpful?

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